TB 5.6
Mrs Simone Hemley (M,T,W)
Hello and welcome to a new year at Lakelands Primary School.
My name is Simone Hemley and I am excited to be teaching year 3 in TB5.6 this year. I will be working Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, while Ms Shonis will be taking the class for Thursday and Friday. I have previously taught year 5/6 at Lakelands and spent many years teaching in Kalgoorlie. My aim this year is to create a safe learning environment for all our students, to feel supported and comfortable in the classroom. This year we will be encouraging independence and for our students to strive to do their very best at all times. Communication with parents plays a key role in a smooth schooling year, please contact me or pop in and see me if you have any queries or concerns about your child. I am looking forward to wonderful year.
Mrs Michelle Shonis (T,F)